NASA Missions

Launch dates are usually determined based on what equipment needs to be engineered to perform the studies scientists wish to make, and how long it will take that equipment to be built. The lifetime of a satellite depends on how much data scientists want to collect, as well as other factors such as other missions that might complement the first. The name of a satellite usually states its function.

There are many NASA satellites orbiting Earth right now. The Earth Now app displays the names of satellites that are collecting data about carbon emissions as well as climate change. While many people think of NASA as an organization that studies outer space and collects data far removed from Earth, NASA is vital in collecting information about our own Earth through remote sensing. Using remote sensing, we can obtain comprehensive information about our Earth that we could not obtain from the ground.


Parts of a Satellite | Maneuvering | Power Supply | Thermal Controls | Communications Devices | OCO-2 and ASCENDS | NASA Missions